Welcome to Soul Star Sanctuary

“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…”

Introducing Soul Star’s Exclusive Crystal Singing Bowls!

We are now offering consultations! Demetra will be available October 8-11 for one-on-one consultations over Zoom. This will be an opportunity to meet Demetra, hear demonstrations, and ask any questions regarding the bowls you are most interested in. Schedule your appointment now! {Please note, the $100 scheduling fee will act as a deposit toward your crystal bowl purchase}

Please enjoy these samples from our monthly sound healing tracks.

Heart of Gaia
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Heart of Gaia
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Etheric Earth
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Etheric Earth
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As Above, So Below
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As Above, So Below
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“Ethereal, harmonic perfection that sings to my soul. Beautiful voice.”

— T K

Welcome here Shining Ones. Welcome to this sacred space. Welcome to Soul Star Sanctuary.

Soul Star Sanctuary is an online space created to hold and to offer the divine frequencies of life. Through the gift of sound, we can experience these transmissions beyond the physical plane. Just as all of existence was vibrated into being, so too can we expose ourselves to frequencies carefully orchestrated for the healing of our hearts, our bodies, our souls, and our minds. 

Soul Star Sanctuary is also a physical place. Built on the shores of a massive lake, which is known not only as the heart chakra of the world but also as the keeper of the Pink Ray, Soul Star Sanctuary was born of dreams and crafted of hemp, clay, oak, & various crystals. It was built to receive the vibrations of the water, the sky, and the earth medicine surrounding it, to hold those vibrations, and to amplify them.

As a conduit of sound, Soul Star Sanctuary is designed to offer the gifts of the Divine through the unique melding of voice, crystal bowls, harps, chimes, bells, & birdsong. The instruments used are primarily 432 hz or 528 hz. These are the miracle tones of nature. They are present in every leaf and flower, every drop of water, and every stone. At times, I also use Solfeggio frequencies, which are based on the sacred geometry also inherent in nature. 

Vibration and sound are one and the same. They are ancient. They have been used to create and to heal since the beginning of time. When we give birth to a thought, a word, a feeling, or an action, we sing it into existence. When these are born of our hearts and the power of our love, we become a vessel for the Divine to move through us. We become a voice with which the Divine can sing. 

What I offer here, are direct transmissions. They are created in the same moment they are being recorded. Expressing the Divine love inherent in nature has always felt like home to me. It is my truest language. I have spent my life singing my Soul Song to the waters, the trees, the sunsets, and the skies, and now they urge me to bring my song to all of you. By tapping into the pure presence and coherence of the High Heart and Soul Star Chakras, I bring  through these sound healing transmissions from Source. The song is infinite. As each vibration passes my lips I feel both honoured and grateful to be sharing it with you. 

Welcome here Shining Ones. Welcome to Soul Star Sanctuary.

“I got chills all over and felt instantly more relaxed. That was so beautiful. Thank you.”

— R C

I hope that these offerings provide you with comfort, solace, & inspiration. My vision is that they become tools with which to create sacred space, set intentions, journey deep within, and support your existing practices. Feel free to use them to facilitate healing sessions, yoga classes, mediation, and ceremony. Listen with attention and offer your body, your heart, and your mind to the sound.

~ Demetra

Choose your plan

We invite you to enter the Soul Star Sound Sanctuary, a sacred space of inspired sound healings where each month will hold new tracks available to stream or download during the course of that month. Join any time. Listen any time.

Soul Star Sanctuary - Gold Membership
Every month

Includes exclusive access to a monthly track (20-25 Minutes), available to stream and download throughout the month. $15.15USD/Month (Save $7.07USD/Month)

Soul Star Sanctuary - Platinum Membership
Every month

Includes exclusive access to a monthly track (50-60 Minutes), available to stream and download throughout the month. $33.33USD/Month (Save 11.11USD/Month)

Soul Star Sanctuary - Diamond Membership
Every month

Includes exclusive access to two brand new sound journeys each month (20-25 Minutes & 50-60 Minutes) plus exclusive bonus material, available to stream and download throughout the month. $44.44USD/Month (Save $30USD/Month)

"Instant vibrations and tears. I didn't expect that, but thank you. Also, amazing voice. BEAUTIFUL."

- R T

Soul Star à la carte

Enjoy individual tracks from the Soul Star Sanctuary without a monthly subscription.

Celestial Voices

~ Love & Miracle Activation ~

Voice, Crystal Bowl, Celtic Harp

23 Minutes

This sound journey is recorded with a crystal bowl tuned to 528 hz ~ the frequency of love and miracles. This journey is intended to help you remember that life is a miracle, YOU are a miracle and that you are always guided by the angelic realms within and without.

It is a calm, soothing track filled with cascading layers of lush vocal harmonies and splashes of Celtic harp.

Please respect these offerings. © 2022 Demetra Penner. All Rights Reserved.

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Heart of Light

Crystal Bowls, Harps, Bells, Chimes, Voice

51 Minutes

A sound journey to guide you towards the light of your heart and embrace your divine radiance. This 51 minute Sound Journey is recorded in the key of F to activate the heart space and enchant the spirit.

This magical sound journey features alchemy crystal bowls, harps, bells, chimes beneath soaring vocal melodies.

Please respect these offerings. © 2022 Demetra Penner. All Rights Reserved.

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  • “Thank you. Very calming and peaceful. Negativity vanishes, replaced with a stable peace and solitude.”

    ~ B.L.

  • "I listened to this on repeat in the shower and cried. It was just what I needed - very cathartic."

    ~ M. T.

  • “Wow. That was beautiful. I don’t know what happened but my eyes closed and I went into nothing but tranquility. I saw woods all around me. Thank you.”

    ~ P. B.

  • "Thank you. Your magic voice has pulled me out of the pit of stress. Your voice is like love flowing through the air like a fragrance."

    ~ R.U.

  • "Oh my gosh! I wish you could see my cat in my lap right now... He is loving this!! So attentive at first, and now so very relaxed - just purring."

    ~ C. P.

  • "Immediately yes. Chills and tears followed by recognition, like I've known these sounds from another time and world."

    ~ J. J.

  • "Your voice is Angelic, the sound of unconditional love. Thank you for sharing your beautiful talents. I am in awe."

    ~ G. G.

  • "As a child I used to think I heard angels and this is what they sounds like. Your music is so healing. Thank you."

    ~ M. M.

  • "These sounds stopped me instantly. They put me into a deep relaxation.Thank you."

    ~ C. M.

  • "Something about this makes me emotional. Your voice represents the peace and serenity that I so desperately wish to achieve in my life."

    ~ M. S.

  • "I'm blown away! I keep listening to your music. Hair raised with goosebumps over my entire body. Whatever you're doing, I'm so glad I found you. Thank you times infinity!"

    ~ F. W.

Sound offers a powerful modality of healing. Whether emitted by a voice, a crystal bowl, a chime, or even the song of a bird, vibrations expand freely and permeate deeply. A crystal bowl can create an energy field that covers sixty cubic centimetres per gram of crystal mass. It can create a sonic field that expands up to 200 square kilometres and lasts for several minutes. Not only is sound expansive, but it has a profound effect on everything around it, capable of reorganizing molecules into a more harmonious state. A sound/frequency can touch our bodies at a cellular level. When resonance is achieved it can amplify the natural healing processes within us, extending down the spine through our entire nervous system and effecting the tissues and organs throughout our systems. It can influence our thoughts and our emotions, guiding us into a more integrated state of being and is capable even of transcending thoughts and emotions, offering healing in ways we do not know we need.

Pay what you will/Support our work

As a conduit of these Divine frequencies, we want to remain open and accessible to as many people as possible. We also want to provide those who are able with an opportunity to further support our work so that we can continue to expand and create these offerings for you. In addition to our memberships and our store, we offer “Earth Meets Sky”, an 8-minute sound journey available at whatever price you choose. Follow the link below to make your payment and you will receive a receipt by email including a link to the following track, which will be available to stream or download.

Many Blessings!


Follow the link provided on your receipt to gain access to “Earth Meets Sky”

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